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Moros And Cristianos

Bands of music, raising of banners in the Castle, the offering, the disembarkation or the great Parade are the protagonists of the traditional Moors and Christians festivities in honor of the Holy Christ of the Sweat.

This festival, which has been celebrated in Calpe since 1977, combines religious, popular and historical events with great majesty and devotion and has become an extraordinary tourist and cultural promotion in Calpe.

A week of festivities organized by the Calpe Moors and Christians association, with the collaboration of the festival committee, which begins with the traditional aerial bombardment and bell-ringing, which is followed by the entry of gangs that run along Avenida de Gabriel He looked until he reached the Plaza del Mosquit. After the raising of banners and the traditional proclamation, the Offering of candles to the Santísimo Cristo del Sudor takes place, in the parish of Nuestra Señora de las Nieves. The day ends with the dance of the Christian captain with his kábila. The dance of the Moorish captain will take place on the second day, after the Christian entrance and dwells on Avenida de Gabriel Miró.

The third day will feature the landing at Calpe’s Arenal Beach, which will be the scene of the First Battle between Moors and Christians. There is also no lack of prominence for the smallest of the house, with the celebration of the children’s parade in which the children walk the streets dressed in their best clothes. The rest of the days are characterized by the celebration of Miracle in the Plaza Mayor, Correfocs in the Old Town and the Eucharist in the Plaza Mayor, in honor of the holy Christ of the Sweat; once the mass is over, the image of Christ will be moved to the Church and the Mascletà will take place in the Plaza Mayor of Calpe. The Calpino Moors and Christians festivities close with the solemn procession and a night Mascletà that puts an end to one of the most deeply rooted traditions in Calpe.